I really like this sandbox BUT what happened with the gas and fire elements i cant say that i like them, i mean the concept of how the pixel looks when its gaseous is on point but i just find that it over all just looks too fuzzy. Otherwise i love the game, just dont do the pixel surounded by pixels for gas and its all good.
Thanks for the feedback! You can change back to the old look by pressing the 3 key for the Basic view. A "Default View" option is coming soon, which will allow you to change it on mobile as well.
This change was made because many gas particles on screen was hard on the eyes. It is only a visual change.
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I made a nuclear power plant but I really want to save my build how can I?
Hello, can you add a secret element zombie virus that you can create with maybe uranium and virus and it will turn human into zombie, thank you
there already is an app...
Sandboxels Gameplay | Play Around With Physics!
when will it be a app on the desktop bc i LOVE IT
hi I love this game and all BUT in the next update if ur gonna add one soon can you add controllable humans? like with w a s d or arrow keys please?
If you're playing here - this version is outdated! Play on the website for the newest features!
is there an offline version?
yo man its blocked by my school is there a way y'all could put the app here??? if not its fine ill keep playing this
I played the website version
it was cool
how can I report bugs?
Can you save your creation?
If you're playing here - this version is outdated! Play on the website for the newest features!
so when i delete a humans head there was red stuff and i didn't know what it was until i realised it was blood...
Why is Hbombing a city so satisfying?
There's a way to acquire elements like bronze. First, you have to make the element, then just select "pick" and you can place it.
Meet rainbow land + little oasis
how do i close the damn game
very cool game but the mods dont work for me
is there an undo button?
sadly no
Woah that's so cool!! You should share some screenshots in the Discord!
I do not own discord and cannot join
aha L
Actually, the game still needs alot of updates with mods and the actual game.
“aCtUaLlY, tHe gAmE sTiLl nEeDs ***a lOt oF uPdAtEs wItH mOdS aNd tHe aCtUaL gAmE…”
similar concept, check out The Powder Toy
Every material has its own melting point ;)
So much history!
i really like this game. I create an island in the sea with the one tree on it... SATISFYING.
Love it! Glad you enjoy!
It's beautiful
I just cleared out excessive amounts of radiation by dragging my mouse with tnt through fire and then spamming it everywhere
Gou meant falling sand game 😏
qustion is there mods?
this game is awesome and relaxing and satisfying
Glad you enjoy!!
keep up the amazing work
I really like this sandbox BUT what happened with the gas and fire elements i cant say that i like them, i mean the concept of how the pixel looks when its gaseous is on point but i just find that it over all just looks too fuzzy. Otherwise i love the game, just dont do the pixel surounded by pixels for gas and its all good.
Thanks for the feedback! You can change back to the old look by pressing the 3 key for the Basic view. A "Default View" option is coming soon, which will allow you to change it on mobile as well.
This change was made because many gas particles on screen was hard on the eyes. It is only a visual change.
you can also make art if you pause the simulation.
this little sandbox game is cool, better than powder game 2. i like how you have more options than powder game 2. very nice, 10/10.